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Encyclopedia of the Library of Congress [Texte imprimé] : for Congress, the nation & the world / John Y. Cole and Jane Aikin, editors

LivresAuteur principal collectivité: Library of Congress, États-Unis, AuteurAuteur secondaire: Cole, John Young, 1940-...., Editeur scientifique;Aikin, Jane, Editeur scientifiqueLangue: anglais.Éditeur : Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, Lanham, MD : Bernan Press, cop. 2004Description : 1 vol. (XXXI-569 p.) : ill. ; 29 cmISBN: 0-89059-971-8; 978-0-89059-971-6.Note de contenu: America's library : a brief history of the Library of Congress / John Y. Cole and Jane Aikin The Congressional Research Service / John Y. Cole The Law Library and collections / Donald R. DeGlopper The Copyright Office / Jane Aikin and John Y. Cole The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped / Stephen Prine and George F. Thuronyi The international role of the Library of Congress / John Y. Cole The National Digital Library and the library's electronic resources / Guy Lamolinara The Library of Congress and its digital future / Laura E. Campbell and Amy Friedlander The Library of Congress and scholarship / Jane Aikin The Library of Congress and American librarianship / Jane Aikin The Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution : a legislated relationship / Nancy E. Gwinn The Library of Congress and the National Archives / John Y. Cole American literature and the Library of Congress : a personal perspective / John C. Broderick The Library of Congress in fiction and film / Abby L. Yochelson Sujet - Collectivité: Library of Congress -- Encyclopedias | Library of Congress, États-Unis Encyclopédies Sujet - Nom commun: National libraries -- Washington (D.C.) -- Encyclopedias Voir dans le SUDOC
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Prêt normal Enssib Papier Pôle Les bibliothèques 027.5 GUSA e (Parcourir l'étagère(Ouvrir ci-dessous)) Disponible 8249486
Total des réservations : 0

Bibliogr. p. 527-529. Index.

America's library : a brief history of the Library of Congress / John Y. Cole and Jane Aikin The Congressional Research Service / John Y. Cole The Law Library and collections / Donald R. DeGlopper The Copyright Office / Jane Aikin and John Y. Cole The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped / Stephen Prine and George F. Thuronyi The international role of the Library of Congress / John Y. Cole The National Digital Library and the library's electronic resources / Guy Lamolinara The Library of Congress and its digital future / Laura E. Campbell and Amy Friedlander The Library of Congress and scholarship / Jane Aikin The Library of Congress and American librarianship / Jane Aikin The Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution : a legislated relationship / Nancy E. Gwinn The Library of Congress and the National Archives / John Y. Cole American literature and the Library of Congress : a personal perspective / John C. Broderick The Library of Congress in fiction and film / Abby L. Yochelson

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