FID/CR report series [no. 7, 8] / @International Federation for Documentation. Committee on Classification Research

LivresAuteur principal collectivité: International Federation for Documentation, Committee on Classification Research, AuteurAuteur secondaire: Nuyl, Th. W. te;Angell, Richard S.Auteur secondaire collectivité: Dansk Central for DokumentationLangue: anglais.Éditeur : Copenhagen : Danish Centre for Documentation, 1968Description : 2 no. in 1. ; 30 cmCollection : International Federation for Documentation, Publication, no. 405Note de contenu: no. 7. Examination of the validity of the conclusions arrived at in the Aslib Cranfield Research Project, by Th. W. te Nuyl no.8. Two papers on thesaurus construction, by Richard S. Angell Sujet - Collectivité: Aslib Cranfield Research Project Sujet - Nom commun: Indexing | Subject headings Voir dans le SUDOC
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no. 7. Examination of the validity of the conclusions arrived at in the Aslib Cranfield Research Project, by Th. W. te Nuyl no.8. Two papers on thesaurus construction, by Richard S. Angell

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